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Find the courage to ask for the resources for your cause.


  • A Woman who wants to fundraise money for your cause?

  • Excited to know the new trends of online conversations with the donors?

  • Empowered for your cause to ask for the resources?

  • Curious how to create the connections with the donors and partners?

  • Courageous but are in a lack of any structure to ask for money?


  • Feel a courage when asking for the resources?

  • Find out new tips and the tricks for the fundraising?

  • Meet other courageous women who already fundraise?

  • Create your wealth network?

Cheyenne Gooding.jpeg

"It was such a blessing to see these Women living and expressing there soul journeys! It highlighted for me how I can show up as Bold and expressive and unapologetic!🙏🏽

Thank you for the workshop."

Cheyenne Gooding

Director of N.I.F.E

The Supercluster project


What you will discover on the workshop?

This is a practical conversation that shows the key principles of fundraising in a practise.

It will help you to understand how to create a conversation with your donors and how to lead it. We will explore when is the right time to ask for money from a donor and when to ask for a contacts or a time from a donor to work on YOUR cause.

In the first part of the workshop we will touch upon a time sequence of every conversation with a donor. We will also discuss what is a difference between donors and investors.

The donors are about to make a return on impact to our foundations. 

What is a return on impact?

Usually, the donors, the companies do not have a time to be engaged in your every days’ activities, they do not want to make a profit of the foundation. On the contrary, they want to see what an impact that is done with their endowment. This is one of the key differences between the donors and the investors when it comes to fundraising. We will demonstrate this topic on the practical examples during the workshop. We will dedicate this time to your practical examples from life and from your foundations. The workshop also offers an amazing space to know new people in a community of the fundraisers.

After the session, BOOK a special spot on the 

Forum of Effective Fundraising!


The Workshop is delivered by Andrea Tittelova
Conscious Fundraiser

Andrea is a Conscious Fundraiser, GIFEW Woman with a decade of an experience in fundraising, account management, management of the foundations. Born in Slovakia, with her previous experiences from Brussels, Washington DC and Prague. Even during C-19 Pandemic she has managed to raise hundreds thousands of EUR for the causes and created a difference with the companies. In 2020 she developed new approaches how to fundraise only online and bring the organisation to the green numbers. She will lead you towards great tactiques how to tackle your donor, how to communicate with the donor and what is a triangle of conscious fundraising! 


"Andrea is more than a “typical” fundraiser, she is a cultivator of networks. She is hugely invested in my success as a person and the success of our foundation. Her coaching and guidance have given me the confidence to take on a significant leadership role in our organisation and help me discover my talents. If you want to expand yourself as a leader and take your fundraising skills to the next level, you should absolutely work with Andrea."

Chara Goodings 

Co - Founder and CEO 

Heart of Africa Foundation

The client and GIFEW Woman

3 key Take Aways from the Sessions

Triangle of fundraising

Explore how to create a triangle of conscious fundraising. 

Money is not the only vehicle

We will discuss the practical cases from your life. Explore how to create the connections with your donors and the partners that last? What is the key when you start any solid communication.

Meet the powerful leaders!

Meet the women who have created a legacy with their fundraising!

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Young Confident Woman

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Make that deal count!

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